
Archive for March, 2016



Deadly Alliance


Kathleen Rowland

Finbar Donahue, former Army Ranger, walked on the wild side in Iraq, but now he lives in the shadows. After his evasive partner, Les, was shot in a random drive-by, Finn discovers cash is siphoned monthly. He fights to keep his investment company afloat. When the late partner’s girlfriend, Amy Kintyre, applies for his bookkeeping job, Finn suspects she knows about his company drain and hires her.

Amy needs a nine-to-five with free evenings and weekends to get her fashion design business back on track. She unearths Les’ s secret bank account and alerts Finn. Freezing of the money laundering account sets off havoc within an Irish gang. Amy witnesses a gang fight between a brutal ISIS fundraising organization and the Irish. Desperate to escape a stalker’s crosshairs, she seeks refuge with Finn. As danger heats up, sparks fly hotter.


Excerpt—Deadly Alliance conference room snippet

Amy entered the bathroom and faced a door opposite, the entrance to the Harp Hotel on the Lake. No wonder this bathroom was elegant. Waffle towels and an assortment of fragrance mists, lotions, and a milk-glass, soap pump sat on a green-marble counter next to a vintage-looking faucet. If she weren’t in a hurry, she’d spray herself with the cologne in the shamrock container.

There were two large stalls, and she peeked under the shiny white doors to make sure she wouldn’t intrude upon someone. After making sure it was empty, she headed in and hung her little handbag on a hook. About to use the toilet, she heard muffled voices. Wasn’t she alone?

Glancing upward, she spotted a vent. The voices came from a room in the hotel. Did she hear strong words? She stepped onto the toilet seat and stood on tiptoes, straining to raise herself even higher. As she peered through the vent, she realized she was looking over a balcony and onto a large conference room. This bathroom, on the second level of the parking structure, was level with the hotel’s mezzanine.

About twenty feet below, the marble floor gleamed up at her, but the scene was far from friendly business. A half-dozen men wore turbans and black, body armor with the Takbir insignia embroidered on them. The symbol, hard to ignore this year, was white Arabic writing on their rolling-sand motif flag and displayed with every hostage crisis. Flowing robes extended half-way below their shins.

The robed men surrounded four men seated with their hands on a round table. These men were held captive, she was certain. The two facing her wearing Claddagh rings on their third fingers had visited Les. The rings married them, molded them into a brotherhood. Whether they wore suits or the Levis they’d worn on their visit, they bound together by a code of violence and silence. For years the Waterfront Roached remained an impenetrable and unstoppable force. Until now.

The Irish Mafioso appearance was as easy to recognize as the Takbir terrorists. In her hometown of Long Beach, the Waterfront Roaches went about their business in match-match suits. The Irish Kings of Cocaine ruled the warehouse district. After scrutinizing the backs of the other two suits, one wore a fedora identical to the Irish mobster at the coffee shop. Next she zeroed in on the other man with slicked back, silver hair who’d visited Les at their condo. Was an Islamic gang taking over the Irish mob’s territory?

Fearing they’d see her, she cringed, but the thugs were far below. Concentrating, she tried to make out what was happening down there. She looked through the vent. A sword gleamed upward.

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Character Interview Questions:


  1. Nickname: Finn. My full name is Finbar Michael Donahue.
  2. Job: I own my own investment company, but who’s the chickenshit stealing money from me?
  3. Level of schooling: B.A. in finance, former Army Ranger. That was when I targeted the enemy.


About Kathleen Rowland

Book Buyers Best finalist Kathleen Rowland is devoted to giving her readers fast-paced, high-stakes suspense with a sizzling love story sure to melt their hearts. Kathleen used to write computer programs but now writes novels.   She grew up in Iowa where she caught lightning bugs, ran barefoot, and raced her sailboat on Lake Okoboji. Now she wears flip-flops and sails with her husband, Gerry, on Newport Harbor but wishes there were lightning bugs in California.

Kathleen exists happily with her witty CPA husband, Gerry, in their 70’s poolside retreat in Southern California where she adores time spent with visiting grandchildren, dogs, one bunny, and noisy neighbors. While proud of their five children who’ve flown the coop, she appreciates the luxury of time to write while listening to demanding character voices in her head.







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The Bod


The Body in the Laboratory

by Mike Lord

The Body in the Laboratory

A cleaner finds a body in the laboratory in the Fylde in the North West of England and the police are called. Murder is confirmed, but the research work being done in the laboratory is shrouded in secrecy, but a list of suspects is prepared. The police are frustrated as the DNA samples taken do not match any records, until they ask Interpol or assistance. The French police in Marseilles know the suspect who had already been convicted for murder, but escaped from custody and his wife and family had escaped to Nottingham. The prime suspect is Vietnamese but was recruited by the Stasi in East Germany many years ago. The police could arrest his family, but they want the main suspect himself and a plan is laid.

Before they can arrest the suspect he escapes to Madrid, from where it would be difficult to extradite him, but his family remains in England. The DCI in charge of the enquiry devises a plan to entice the suspect to return, which he does and is arrested after a big chase, at which stage the Special Branch intervene.


The cleaner trod on his cigarette butt and then swept up the ashes from the floor. He coughed and just hoped that the air-conditioning would remove the fumes of the tobacco smoke before anyone came to work that morning, and complained.

Monty Spiller had been under treat of dismissal for some time now, but it was only his security clearance that delayed him actually being sacked.

He pushed a cleaning trolley as he worked, with a powerful disinfectant being the last action to be applied to the floor.   The disinfectant was not really needed as most of the research was electronic, but it masked the tobacco smell!

He looked under the nearest workbench and thought he saw a jacket lying on the floor on the other side of the workbench, “somebody must’ve dropped it last night,” he thought to himself.

A few minutes later, at the end of the row of work benches he turned the corner, and suddenly realized there was somebody actually inside the jacket and lying on his back on the floor.

“Are you alright, mate?” he asked as he walked towards the jacket.

It was only when he saw the listless eyes in the face of the man lying on the floor that his brain clicked into gear.

“Oh, my god!” he thought to himself, “he’s dead!”

His immediate thought was to run for help, and then he remembered the security system at each door, each of which needed a pass code, that he looked at the nearest bench with a telephone unit.

He quickly dialed a number for security.

“This is Monty,” he reported, “I think there’s been an accident in this laboratory, and maybe the man is dead.”

“Stay where you are,” said the stern voice from security, “we’re on our way.”

Monty had been a soldier and had seen active service as a rifleman, but he never liked looking at dead bodies, so he walked towards the body and the jacket, but made sure he did not get too close. Now as a civilian he was not happy, disliked having to work hard, and resented authority.

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About Mike Lord

Mike Lord has written three historical novels, three thrillers and his autobiography, all of which have been self-published at Smashwords and Amazon Kindle. Two of Mike’s books have been awarded prizes.

Under his pen name Adam Mann, Mike has written over twenty romance novels; ten of which have been published as ebooks by Blushing Books 1, Phaze Books 4, eXtasy Books 1, and Global Publishing 4. Twelve have been self published at Smashwords and Amazon Kindle, and he has several more drafted and complete in the pipeline, and others currently with several publishers for consideration.


Author Links:

Mike has three Twitter names – @Lordmaity, @adammannauthor and @ButterflyBooks9 which he uses extensively to promote all his books. He has author pages at Smashwords, Facebook and Amazon Kindle for both his legal name and his pen name.

Mike Lord operates a website www.lordmaity.com for his six books, averaging about 500 visitors per week, and as Adam Mann he has a website www.adammannauthor.com for all 28 books, including the six by Mike Lord, but with a much higher weekly average of over 1,200 visitors, and


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The Soul of Adam Short and Writing Strong Women Characters

Thanks for inviting me on your blog today Janie. I want to talk about my young adult novel, The Soul of Adam Short, which despite the name is mostly about Julie Lawless, Adam’s girlfriend, upon whose shoulders the weight of Adam’s predicament lies. She is a strong young lady, though, who’s more than capable of bearing it.

Though I’ve always enjoyed reading strong female characters like Jan-nel in The Lost Song Trilogy and Ayla in the Earth’s Children Series, I didn’t realise that I had written my own strong women characters, until some reviewers complimented me on the character of Jessie in one of my other novels, The Ecology of Lonesomeness: “I liked the fact that Jessie was portrayed as a strong woman with strong beliefs.” “I love Jessie, she is independent and has her own mind.” “She is a complicated character and she manages to be complicated without being whiney or annoying.”

That last reviewer surprised me by saying “I don’t think a lot of books by men in the romance genre really and truly portray women correctly. But, this author manages to do that with Jessie very well.”

I don’t think I really set out to write strong women characters. I just write characters. Some are women, some not.

I’m probably a bit slow on the uptake, but I didn’t realise that many of the female characters we see in books and film are, indeed, less than strong. And many of those are written by men. It never occurred to me, though, luckily, to view women as less than strong, or any different to men in their desires, abilities or complicatedness.

I grew up in a time when women were finally beginning to get some rights. Though my mother, and most mothers I knew, worked in the home, when I went to college (after five years in an all-boys school), I was surrounded by female students who had no intention of only working in the home. Those who I hung out with were just as good as I at science, and I relied on their help as much as if not more than they did mine. Nor was there, as far as I could discern (though I confess to being slow on the uptake), any sign of professors looking down on women. The university had made the transition faster than much of society, I suppose.

This made me view women as equals, and the fact that they could get less money than I was surprising too, when I discovered it later. It was not the last of such unpleasant surprises.

Just two weeks ago it was International Women’s Day and in Pamplona there was a huge march demanding proper equality. I hope it will not be much longer that women have to loudly demand what should long have been theirs.

Until then, though, just as I believe it necessary for our books to have diverse characters and to include environmental awareness in our stories, I consider it a writer’s duty to write our characters as strong as the women we see around us, and to create worlds where such women are truly appreciated



The Soul of Adam Short

by David J. O’Brien

Blurb for The Soul of Adam Short

The cares of life are beginning to cloud fifteen-year-old Adam Short’s carefree existence. Important exams are looming, his girlfriend Julie thinks he’s unfocused, and right now he’s about to be late for the school trip. Neither his teacher, nor Julie, will be pleased if he misses the bus.

Adam has much bigger problems when, in an extraordinary accident, his soul is torn from his body. His body loses all consciousness−reduced to a mere automaton existence: eating when food is put in its mouth, moving when guided, reacting only to touch. Meanwhile, Adam, discovering that ghosts are very much real, is trapped without a body, and stuck in a place from which he cannot freely leave.

Only the untiring efforts of his girlfriend Julie−who had never considered the existence of a soul, and for whom the idea of ghosts is laughable−against the advice of everyone around her, including her parents, Adam’s doctor, and his best friend can save Adam. Will she be able to figure out what has happened to Adam? Even if she does, can Julie helpAdam escape the scene of his accident, and return the life to his body?

10% of the author’s royalties will be donated to WWF, the World Wildlife Fund


“Hi, Simon. How’re you?” she asked, as she walked to the bed and kissed Adam on the forehead. He was lying in his by-now-familiar position, staring up at the ceiling. “Hello, Adam,” she murmured. “How are you feeling today? Any better? Feeling up for a chat? We can talk about Simon later on when he goes. I’ll tell you all about the silly things he’s done today.”

“Fine, thanks,” replied Simon. “I was just telling Adam here that I’m off to play a footie match now in a minute. Just a few of the lads making the most of the sunshine before we’re all back indoors. He’d better hurry up and get out of this bed and back on the pitch, or his legs will be too weak to play football till next Christmas.”

“He should be studying, not playing football, isn’t that right, Adam? And so should you, Simon Goodall. The exams are less than three weeks away.”

“Yea, maybe. But it’s a shame to waste the sunshine, isn’t it? The weather’ll probably be terrible after the exams.”

“But since you play football in the depths of winter, a little bit of rain will hardly discourage you.”

Simon smirked, his expression grudgingly giving Julie the advantage in the argument. “Anyway, I’d better be getting on if I’m not going to be late. I’ll see you tomorrow, mate, all right?” He patted Adam’s leg as he walked round the foot of the bed. Adam looked down at his feet, but his eyes didn’t follow Simon as he walked on toward the door, beckoning Julie after him.

She followed out onto the corridor, wondering what he wanted to tell her that he couldn’t say in front of Adam. When he turned around to face her, the cheerful expression he’d been wearing in the room was gone, replaced by a depressed look.

“Jesus, Julie. I can’t believe he’s still like that.”

Julie didn’t quite know what to say. Neither could she believe it, but there was nothing she could do about it. “Well, he is, Si. We’ve got to be patient.”

“Patient?” he asked incredulously. “How can we be patient when he’s in there like a zombie?”

“Well, I am, so you’d better be. It’s not easy, I know, but there’s nothing else for it. It’s all we’ve got—patience and hope.”

“Do you have hope, Julie?”

“What sort of question is that to ask? I hope Adam didn’t hear you say that.”

“He didn’t, Julie. Even if we were inside the room, I don’t think he would have heard me.”

“Well then, why are you standing outside the door?” she asked savagely. Then, in a calmer voice, she went on, “I do think he can. In fact, I’m sure of it.”

Simon’s expression softened also. He looked as if he’d been needing to hear that. “Are you really?”

“Yes,” she sighed. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have spent the last week in that room talking to him.”

Simon nodded. A weak smile broke the sadness of his face. “Fair enough. I’ll try to be patient, and hopeful.”

“Do. For Adam and for me. You’ll see. He’ll come through.”

His smile broadened. “For you both, then.”

Julie smiled back. She wasn’t sure whether she had enough hope for them both, but she couldn’t afford for Adam’s best friend to lose faith.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning then, yea?”

“Yea. Enjoy the footie. Make sure you aren’t relegated for next year, you don’t want to disappoint Adam when he wakes up.”

“Relegated? We’re nearly top. It’s only been two weeks since Adam’s last match. Don’t you listen to the results when he tells you?”

“As if I ever listen to him when he’s rabbitting on about football.” She laughed.

Simon shook his head in mock exasperation and walked off down the corridor.

Julie turned back into the room, slamming the door as she did. Adam looked toward the source of the bang, but Julie ignored his movement. It had taken her by surprise at first, but she’d found out it meant nothing, just another automatic reflex upon hearing a very loud noise, like flinching at a car backfiring.

She smiled at him, however, remarking to herself that if he’d not been here, he’d have been off with Simon and she wouldn’t have seen him that evening.

But just seeing him wasn’t enough.






The Ecology of Lonesomeness

by David J. O’Brien

Blurb for The Ecology of Lonesomeness

Kaleb Schwartz isn’t interested in the Loch Ness Monster. He’d enough cryptobiological speculation about Bigfoot while studying the Pacific Northwest forests. He’s in Scotland’s Great Glen to investigate aquatic food webs and nutrients cycles; if he proves there’s no food for any creature bigger than a pike, then so much the better.

Jessie McPherson has returned to Loch Ness after finishing university in London, hoping to avoid the obsession with its dark waters she had when younger and first discovered lonesomeness. She knows any relationship with a scientist studying the lake is a bad idea, but something about Kaleb makes her throw caution to the depths.

When Kaleb discovers Jessie’s lonesomeness refers not just to the solitude of the loch, he’s faced with an ecological problem of monstrous proportions. Can he find a way to satisfy both the man and the scientist inside himself, and do the right thing?

10% of the author’s royalties will be donated to WWF, the World Wildlife Fund 


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David J Covershot

About David J. O’Brien

David J O’Brien is an Irish ecologist, poet, fiction writer and teacher. He was born in Dublin, studied environmental biology and zoology at University College Dublin. He taught English in Madrid for four years, biology in Boston for seven years and now teaches English and science in Pamplona, Spain where he lives with his wife and daughter. He is still involved in deer biology and management, and has written about deer watching for Ireland’s Wildlife and deer management for the Irish Wildlife Trust. His non-academic writing is often influenced by science and the natural world – sometimes seeking to describe the science behind the supernatural. His poems have been published in several anthologies and journals, such as such as Albatross, Houseboat, and Misty Mountain Review. His paranormal horror novel, Leaving the Pack, and contemporary adult fiction Five Days on Ballyboy Beach, The Ecology of Lonesomeness, are published by Tirgearr Publishing. His young adult novel, The Soul of Adam Short is published by MuseItUp Publishing. His children’s book, Peter and the Little People, will be published by MuseitUp Publishing this spring. He writes adult romance under the pen name J.D. Martins.

Website: https://davidjmobrien.wordpress.com/

Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/David-J.-OBrien/e/B00M60M6Y0

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavidJMOBrien

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xanders tangled web-Small

Xander’s Tangled Web

by Susan A. Royal

When Princess Mena vanishes without a trace, Xander must deal with gypsies, love potions and half-truths before unraveling the mystery.


After a late night visit to Battington’s marketplace, Princess Mena vanishes without a trace. Merchants are frantic, because King Leander has called for a curfew and postponed the Spring Festival until further notice. Certain his former constable is the man for the job, the mayor hires Xander to investigate, hoping he can solve the mystery in a hurry so things can go back to normal.

But Xander’s not so sure that’s possible, because there’s romance involved, and he knows when that happens folks who are normally very sensible seem to lose all reason. In addition to sorting out truths, half-truths and outright lies, he must deal with gypsies, love potions and an illegal moonshine operation before he gets to the bottom of things.

Xander’s Tangled Web (fantasy, mystery)


In My Own Shadow (fantasy, adventure, romance)
Not Long Ago (time travel, adventure, romance)

Not Long Ago book trailer


All books available at MuseItUp, Amazon, B&N, Goodreads

Music and Writing

     Music has always been a large part of my life. I listen to it while I get dressed in the morning, while I’m in the car, while I’m doing housework or computer work. It lifts me up when I’m down. It gives me hope. It soothes and comforts. It helps get me ready to face my day.

I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like if I had to go all day long without being able to experience it in some form or fashion.

Whenever I hear a few notes from the sound track of something I’ve seen before I can nearly always picture the opening scene in my mind. Or remember when and where I was the first time I ever heard the tune. It just clicks. As much as I love music, it’s only natural for me to surround myself with music whenever I write. I can experience every emotion in every range depending on the song.

I’m fortunate to come from a musical family. My husband studied piano and played guitar. My kids are all musical. My youngest son composes and plays the music on the book trailers my daughter creates for me.

This is the trailer they created for In My Own Shadow, a young adult fantasy


They also collaborated on the video for Not Long Ago, the first book it my It’s about Time series. And they nailed it. They haven’t done a trailer for From Now On yet, or for my newest book Xander’s Tangled Web, but I know it’s going to be perfect. I can’t wait.


This is a scene in From Now On that relates to music.

The dark outline of the shore on the horizon drew my attention, but the sound of someone singing made me shift my focus to a slight dark figure, silhouetted against the ship rails. Rhylie clung to the rigging and sang, her strong, clear voice ringing out across the ship.


I have wandered far from my home.

I’ve nowhere to call my own.

No place to lay me down

No pillow for my head.

My eyes cry a little.

My heart sighs a little.

And I die a little

Each day.


The sailors ceased their work and listened. Each man’s face reflected sadness and longing as though thinking about whatever faraway place he called home.


Long to be where I belong

In the place I left behind

I can see it in my heart

And it tears me apart.

My soul aches a little

My body shakes a little

And I break a little

Each day.


How was it possible for simple words to be so beautiful and so achingly sad at the same time? Tears filled my eyes, while my chest tightened with emotion. In my heart, I knew what Rhylie must have been feeling. Yet, she lifted her voice and released the last sweet notes to soar in the sky like the seabirds above the waves. Her eyes were riveted on the shrouded island, watching as we drew closer.

And here’s one from Xander’s Tangled Web.

Phineas appeared on the path only a few feet away from her hiding place. As if he wasn’t making enough noise already, the miller began to bellow some tune at the top of his lungs. He winced, praying the lyrics didn’t descend into bawdiness like most of his songs. He had a ribald sense of humor a lady would consider offensive.

There once was a girlie
Ran as quick as a squirrely
As she fled through the woods hurly-burly.”

    Xander shook his head and focused on capturing the girl before she got away.

Oblivious to his audience, Phineas continued to sing in his clear baritone.

            “The lady was pretty
But far too damn canny
So we hunt and keep singing this ditty.”

As you can see, music plays a big part in my life and in my writing.



Bio photo

About Susan A. Royal

Born in west Texas and raised in south Texas, Susan shares a 100-year-old farmhouse in a small east Texas town with a ghost who likes to harmonize with her son when he plays guitar.

Mother to three children and their spouses, she has five grandchildren who are all unique and very special. Her family is rich with characters, both past and present. Her grandmother shared stories of living on a farm in Oklahoma Territory and working as a telephone operator in the early 20th century. She learned about growing up during the depression from her father and experienced being a teenager in WWII through her mother’s eyes.

Susan loves taking her readers through all kinds of exciting adventures. So far, she’s written two books in her It’s About Time series, Not Long Ago and From Now On. They are time travel adventures about two people who fall in love despite the fact they come from very different worlds. In My Own Shadow is a Fantasy adventure/romance. Out this fall is her Fantasy romance, Xander’s Tangled Web. Look for her books at MuseItUp/Amazon/B&N.

Want to know more? Visit susanaroyal.wordpress.com or susanaroyal.moonfruit.com for a peek inside this writer’s mind and see what she’s up to. You never know what new world she’s going to visit next


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Gabe cover, final


Book 1 in The Thornton Trilogy

by P.A. Estelle

Gabe Thornton inherits the Double Bar Ranch from good friend and neighbor Bill (Pappy) Thomas, but there are conditions.  Last Will and Testament states five hundred acres have been set aside for his only niece, or interested heirs. The property must be lived on for a year or said acreage will revert back to Gabe.

Molly Blackburn shows up in Bastrop, Texas, to claim the land her great uncle has left her. Though she knows nothing about cattle ranching, she has no other choice when her father passes away.

Gabe is sure she won’t last a month and he tells her so, but greenhorn or not, she swears she will be there till the bitter end, no matter what!

Will she give up her land or will she find more than just a cattle ranch in Bastrop?




“I happen to also own a hand gun but..well I didn’t think to purchase bullets for it.”

“Perfect!” Gabe said, shaking his head. “There’s also wood to be cut and hay and water to be hauled plus a million other things.” He laid the gun against the wall, opening the door. “You won’t last the week and if you had half a brain you’d know it!”

“Get out of my house,” she hollered. He walked out into the cold morning but she was right on his heels, taking his coat off. “Wait!” He turned and she threw his coat in his face. “Thank you for the use of your coat but I’ll thank you to stay off my property!”

Gabe advanced a step her way but a discreet cough stopped him. There were his mother and sister, sitting on their horses. He swung up on his horse, staring at his new neighbor. “See if you can’t talk some sense into her!” he ground out before riding away.


About P.A. Estelle (Penny Estelle)

I write for all ages, from the early reader to adults. My books range from pictures books for the little ones, to fantasy, time-travel adventures for ages 9 to 13. I also write adult stories, including a family drama and contemporary, paranormal and historical westerns romances, under P. A. Estelle.

I was a school secretary for 21 years. My husband and I moved to our retirement home in Kingman, AZ, on very rural 54 acres, living on solar and wind only.

For more information about me and my stories check out the following links:








I have a newsletter that goes out for new releases or sales. If you would like to be notified, please sign up @ http://eepurl.com/388Xr


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Summer’s Growth


Tina Gayle



In the spirit-haunted Winston estate in Ohio, rooted in time and occupied by the lingering ghosts of a great family, the torch is about to pass…

Mattie Winston, sober, sensible, and steady, has served as Keeper to the family for decades. Amber Harrison, hovering on the edge of flunking out of college, unsure what she wants out of life, has barely even heard of the Winston estate. The family, however, has decided that it’s time for the changing of the guard. These two exceptional women soon find themselves dealing with violence, murder attempts, and old family mysteries while each finding the love of her life. Two romances and a growing friendship, all twined around a brooding family tragedy, make for an outstanding paranormal mystery offering depth and charm beyond the commonplace. The growing love of Amber and Carter and of Mattie and Quincy offer readers a tender and engaging first novel in a winning new paranormal series.


Was she insane? Why agree to spend time at a place she’d never been before with people she didn’t know?

Fear and eagerness warred in her stomach. Breathing rapidly, she inhaled the scent of her peppermint gum. The crisp fragrance reminded her of her grandfather’s breath mints, and she took another deep breath to calm her shaky nerves.

Past the point of no return, even if the adventure ended up to be a free trip to nowhere. Whatever happened she’d see it through.

The soft leather seat cooled her skin. Tired from her long trip to Ohio, she leaned her head on the plush headrest. She used the relaxing motion of the car to recover some of her energy and turned her head to view the landscape outside the car.

Different from Southern California, no lollypop trees or car-packed freeways met her gaze. The road supported only a few cars moving along at a steady pace. Calm pastureland lined the highway with wildflowers dancing in the wind. Large limbs darting in every possible direction, small leaves announced spring to the world with their bright green foliage. No structures marred the view or broke the serene pleasure of the unencumbered land.

Yet, they’d only left the airport a few minutes ago.

Her mind wandered to the place where they were headed. She shot her silent driver a quick glance. She’d questioned the portly old gentleman about Winston Manor when she’d first arrived. He’d said they needed to get going and refused to comment beyond that.

Once in the car, she’d tried again. Her blue eyes caught his in the rear view mirror, and he assessed her value before glancing away.

Amber brushed her long, blonde hair back off her shoulder and tugged on her cotton tee shirt to straighten out the wrinkles.

“How long until we arrive at Winston Manor?” she asked.

He didn’t respond, almost as if he hadn’t heard. Unwilling to be rude, she decided to settle back in her seat.

The answers would come once she arrived at Winston Manor.

Read First Chapter of “Summer’s Growth”


Purchase ebook at:



Character Questions – Amber 

  1. Job – new keeper of the Winston Manor
  2.  Currently residing in… Hebron, Ohio
  3. Significant other – no one I don’t want another man.
  4. Most important goal – to find out what happen to my grandmother
  5. Worst fear or nightmare – to fail at being the family keeper

About Tina Gayle

Tina Gayle grew up a dreamer and loved to escape into the world of books. After a number of different jobs, she decided to try her hand at writing. Her romantic novels touch the heart and explore the heartaches of falling in love and being a woman.

Married thirty years, she and her husband love to travel and play golf. If you’d like to read the 1st chapter of her books visit her website.

Find Tina Gayle everywhere…..

Home – www.tinagayle.net

Blog – www.tinagayle.blogspot.com

Twitter – https://twitter.com/#!/AuthorTinaGayle

Goodread – http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1641826.Tina_Gayle

Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/tina.gayle

Google + – https://plus.google.com

Linkin – http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tina-gayle/11/689/759


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Raw Silk by Lisabet Sarai


First Book, Latest Book

By Lisabet Sarai

I’ve been writing pretty much all my life. Somehow, though, I never fostered a strong ambition to be published. My career aspirations focused on science and engineering. I viewed my creative writing as more or less an amusing hobby, an outlet for my imagination.

Then in the late nineties, when I was vacationing with my husband in Instanbul, I happened to pick up a copy of Portia da Costa’s Black Lace novel Gemini Heat from a hotel book swap. I absolutely adored Portia’s book, an imaginative, explicit tale of identical twins seduced by a devastatingly attractive and masterful millionaire. Sounds rather conventional by today’s standards, I guess, but at that point I’d never encountered a sexy tale that was transgressive and sexually diverse, yet at the same time intelligent and skillfully crafted.

After my heartbeat returned to normal, I started to think, “I bet I could write a book like this.” The title list at the back suggested a preference for exotic settings. I considered a story based in Bangkok, Thailand, where I’d lived and worked for several years.

When we returned from Turkey, I got out my laptop and began writing, drawing heavily on both my own experiences and my fantasies. Before I knew it, I had three chapters. On a lark, I printed them out, along with a synopsis, and air mailed them to Kerry Sharp, the Black Lace editor.

Busy with work and family responsibilities, I forgot about the book. About a month later (remember we’re talking the snail mail era), I received a post card from Black Lace, acknowledging my submission and warning me that due to the large number of proposals they received, I might not hear anything for several months. I shrugged and filed the card away. After all, I didn’t have much invested in this effort. I knew it was a long shot.

Imagine my astonishment when, two days after the postcard arrived, I got an enthusiastic email from Ms. Sharp, offering me a contract and asking me when I could deliver the full manuscript!

Now I was really in trouble! I didn’t have a clue how long it would take me to write an 80K word novel. I picked a date more or less out of the air and sat down to write.

It turned out to be easier than I expected. The tale was fueled more by passion than by craft. In 1999, Black Lace published the first edition of my first novel Raw Silk.

That first book has been through three publishers during its sixteen year life-time. Now Totally Bound has brought out an extensively revised and expanded edition. I was so happy to have the chance to finally fix all the newbie writer errors I introduced, way back when! This also gave me the opportunity to deepen the characterization and answer some questions I’d left hanging in the original version.

So, my latest book is also my first book—reborn. I hope your readers enjoy it!



In a foreign land, a woman discovers exotic new realms of the senses.

When software engineer Kate O’Neill leaves her lover David to take a job in Thailand, she becomes sexually involved with two very different men—a handsome and debauched member of the Thai aristocracy, and the charismatic proprietor of a sex bar.

Each touches her in a different way, each teaches her different things about her body and her heart.

Then David comes to Bangkok, and Kate realizes that, finally, she must choose one of the three men who all desire her.

Review Quotes

“This is by far one of the best erotic novels that I have read and it fully deserves every one of the five ribbons I am giving it! But it does make me wonder what the characters could do with them.” ~ Maree Schuler, Romance Junkies (Five Ribbons).

“[Kate’s] character grows and she comes to realize her inner needs along with her deep sexual desires. Lisabet Sarai has a flair for sexy, sensuous romance with an edgy feel. I cannot wait to read more by this talented author.” ~ Dawnie, Fallen Angels Reviews (Five Angels).

“The Bangkok setting is fascinating and adds to the overall feeling of opulent sensuality. Lisabet Sarai deftly shows the country without ever letting the descriptions take over the story. Good BDSM novels are voyages of self-discovery, and Raw Silk is a journey you’ll enjoy taking.” ~ Kathleen Bradean, Erotica Revealed

“…this is one SIZZLING read (the ending was incredible) and should not be put on the back burner of your ‘to read list.” ~ Alyssa, Amazon review (Five stars)

Buy Links (Ebook and Print)

Amazon US


Amazon UK


Barnes & Noble


Totally Bound


All Romance





Excerpt (PG)

The taxi had stopped in a circular driveway, in front of massive double doors of carved wood. As she paid the fare, the doors were opened by a regal woman in a purple sarong and close-fitting gold-embroidered blouse. A sash with an intricate pattern of purple and gold crossed her breast and was held at one shoulder with a brooch like a sunburst. Her hair was piled high on her head, held in place by combs with matching sunburst designs.

The woman made a graceful wai then spoke in accented English.

“Miss Katherine, you are welcome. Please leave your shoes here and follow me. Dinner will be served in the sala in the garden.”

Kate found herself in a semicircular entrance hall. She slipped out of her sandals and savored the cool smoothness of the polished terrazzo floor under her bare feet. The maid led her through a set of French doors to a long corridor floored with teak parquet. A subdued light came from intermittent electric sconces designed to look like candle lanterns. The corridor was lined with etched glass doors, all closed. Occasionally, she and her guide would pass a painting, a piece of sculpture, or a porcelain vase, artfully lit so that it seemed to glow from within. Katherine particularly noted a seated Buddha image of white marble, no more than six inches high but wrought in exquisite detail.

Eventually, the corridor ended in another set of French doors. The maid threw these open, and Kate nearly swooned at the rich floral scents that flowed from the garden beyond. She stepped from the mysterious corridor into the sweet, humid night.

The winding path was paved with smooth pebbles that tickled her bare feet. Occasional torches provided enough light to see the tangled vines, towering ferns, and vivid blossoms that surrounded her as she walked. From ahead, she heard the sound of flowing water, and, faintly, the haunting notes of a solo flute. The path twisted around the trunk of a massive tree, and she saw before her a pavilion of unpainted wood, with a steep pitched roof like one of the temples.

The sala was perched on stilts in the middle of a pool. A rough set of stairs led up to the platform arching over the water. Her heart echoing in her ears, she slowly mounted the steps and entered the enchanting building.

Dozens of flickering candles in earthenware jars lit the porch-like platform. Bright pillows were strewn over the wooden floor, around a low table. Khun Somtow sat cross-legged on one of the cushions, a bamboo flute poised at his lips.

For a moment he did not notice her, and she could admire him. He wore a high-necked shirt and loose pants of white satin. His dark hair shone like jet in contrast. His eyes were half-closed, and a look of peaceful concentration graced his handsome features.

Some slight sound, or movement of the air, made him look up. His expression of repose was replaced with animation.

“Miss Katherine! Welcome. I did not hear you arrive. Please, come in, sit down.” He rose in one fluid motion, took her hand, and led her to a bank of cushions piled up against the wooden rail that surrounded the pavilion. “I ask your pardon for my amateurish playing.”

“Oh no, it was lovely! Though very different from anything I’ve heard before.”

“No, I do not have the time to give my music the devotion it deserves. Classical music requires discipline. I am no more than a dilettante, as I am in so many other things.” He sighed a little then smiled. “But, it gives me pleasure to play, and that is perhaps enough.”

He gazed at her for a moment, with the same frankness she had noted in the elevator. “I am so glad that you have come. May I offer you some wine?”

“Yes, please,” said Kate, already relaxing a bit in response to his easy charm. He filled a crystal glass from a bottle that even she recognized as expensive then picked up his own half-full goblet from the floor next to his cushion.

“To new friendship,” he said, touching glasses and looking into her eyes.

She held his glance for a few moments. Once again she was blushing. She was irritated by her own weakness. “To new experiences, in a new land,” she countered evenly.


About Lisabet

Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance, practically every sub-genre.

Lisabet has more degrees than anyone would ever need, from prestigious educational institutions who would no doubt be deeply embarrassed by her chosen genre. She has traveled widely and currently lives in Southeast Asia with her indulgent husband and two exceptional felines, where she pursues an alternative career that is completely unrelated to her creative writing.

Lisabet’s Fantasy Factory (Web Site)

Beyond Romance (Blog)

Oh Get A Grip! Blog

Lisabet’s List (Yahoo Group)

Amazon Author Page

Twitter @lisabetsarai





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by Elaine Cantrell

Aimee Sherwood never dreamed that following her fiancé into the witness protection program would land her in a haunted house in a town that’s downright creepy. She’d have laughed if she had been told the guy who lives down the road might be her soul mate, not the man whose ring she’s wearing. Life in West Virginia is nothing like life in Los Angeles, but between bean ball battles with Marilyn Monroe, remodeling a crumbling farmhouse, and starting a new business, Aimee’s life is anything but dull.


Excerpt: Rocky and Aimee go to a church luncheon.

“What’s that?” Rocky asked.

Aimee took a look and saw something that reminded her of meatballs: blue, perfectly shaped meatballs. She giggled. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Both of them stopped snickering when a buxom blonde wearing a tight, flowered blouse approached with a frown on her face. Aimee gasped. This was the woman from the coffee shop at the funeral home.

The woman recognized her at the same time. “You!”

“Yeah, I recognize you too.” Aimee tried to instill the proper amount of disdain in her voice.

A second, older woman who looked somewhat like the blonde wandered over to the table to see what was going on. Fortified by the newcomer’s presence, the buxom blonde gestured wildly toward the table. “What are you doing to my bean balls?”

“Bean balls?”

“Yes, you were staring at my bean balls.”

Aimee giggled even though she tried not to. “I was just taking the lid off them. Honest.”

“Well, I don’t like the way you were looking at them. Don’t you know it’s better for you to eat healthy food?”

Aimee gritted her teeth, amusement gone. “I was looking at them because I had no idea what they were.”

She wondered if the blonde was about to have a stroke. Her face was that red. Actually, it matched her skirt pretty well, which, by the way, didn’t match her tight blouse.

The woman gave Aimee the evil eye. “You are a hateful, mean woman. I’m sorry I ever met you. First you misrepresented yourself at the coffee shop, and now you mock my bean balls.”

“I did not!”

Without warning the blonde jerked the plastic container away from Aimee. It scooted across the table and crashed into a gelatin salad, taking a corner off its molded perfection. The blue bean balls went everywhere, rolling around the table like marbles on steroids. ”Look what you’ve done,” the blonde wailed. “Nobody will want to eat them now.”

She snatched a bean ball and hurled it at Aimee, who ducked just in time. “You missed me,” she taunted. She had no sooner finished speaking before a second bean ball flew through the air. This one caught the shoulder of her new blouse.

The blonde laughed.

Aimee grabbed a bean ball from the table and threw it at the blonde. She hit the woman right in the chest. “Help me!” the blonde shrieked. “She hit me in the heart. Where’s the sheriff?”

From the corner of her eye, Aimee saw the priest hurrying their way. She fired one final bean ball, which hit the blonde’s forehead with a beany thud.

Rocky grabbed her arm. “They’re circling the wagons. Let’s get out of here.”

Practically running, they made their escape from the church. Rocky took the precaution of locking the truck doors. He sighed. “I guess we can’t come back to this church either. Are we going to become atheists?”

“Of course not!”

Sunk in gloom, they drove back to Fortuna. The jinx was still on as far as churches were concerned.


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Character Interview: Aimee

Rhonda: Welcome to Updated History, a Viewer’s Choice TV program. My name is Rhonda Dalton, and my guest today is Aimee Sherwood. Aimee, welcome to the show. Could you introduce yourself to the viewers?

Aimee: Thank you, Rhonda. As you said, I’m Aimee Sherwood. I was born in Baltimore, but I spent the last couple of years in LA where I met LAWA wrestler Rocky Stone. Rocky bought some property in West Virginia, and that’s how I got here.

Rhonda: That’s lovely, Aimee. Why don’t you tell the viewers about your new business?

Aimee: I’d love to. My business is Internet based. I make authentic reproductions of 17th and 18th century clothing for both men and women. So many people in Centerville love history that I thought I’d help them get quality reproduction clothing for balls, reenactments, garden parties, and so on.

Rhonda: That sounds fascinating. I’m in need of a new costume myself. Was opening your own business your major life goal?

Aimee: No, I only recently thought of it. My main goal is to decide between two… Well, it’s kind of personal so I guess I’ll pass on this one.

Rhonda: That’s very mysterious. Can you tell us your greatest fear?

Aimee: (Laughs) I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid like that bean ball battle I had with Marilyn Monroe.

Rhonda: (laughs too) Yes, I’ve heard about that. I take it bean balls aren’t your favorite food.

Aimee: I’d rather have chocolate doughnuts or pork skins.

Rhonda: Yummy. One final question, if you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

Aimee: That’s easy. I’d expand my business and help Rocky renovate Fortuna.

Rhonda: That’s wonderful, Aimee. Thanks for being here.

Aimee: Thanks for having me.


elaine 's picture


About Elaine Cantrell

Elaine Cantrell was born and raised in South Carolina. She holds a master’s degree in personnel services from Clemson University. She is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary society for women educators and is also a member of Romance Writers of America. Her first novel, A New Leaf, was the 2003 winner of the Timeless Love Contest. When she isn’t writing or teaching, she enjoys reading, traveling, and collecting vintage Christmas ornaments.

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The Sheriff Meets His Match

by Jacquie Biggar

Genre: Contemporary romance

When a jaded sheriff is drawn to an exasperating woman in trouble, anything can happen

Laurel Thomas has always experienced life from the outside looking in. She likes the warm welcome she’s received in Tidal Falls and wants to make a home in this friendly little town, far away from her egocentric family. But then her uncle arrives and she learns the past has a way of catching up to her.

Jack Garrett is satisfied with his uncomplicated life. He has a good job as the sheriff of his hometown, a nice home, and a beautiful teenage daughter. So why is he struggling against his attraction for the disorganized new hire at the department, Laurel Thomas? She threatens everything he’s worked so hard to avoid—like falling in love.

Can two people with enough emotional baggage to sink a ship find a way to give each other a chance, or is this match doomed to drown?



“Are you going to answer me?” That voice. The deep, dark, mesmerizing timbre of his voice had featured in more than a few of Laurel’s overnight fantasies of late. Combine that with a body built like a tank and a set of handcuffs and…

Miss Thomas.”

His impatience woke her up to her very real predicament. Either she came up with a plausible answer now, or she could very likely end up spending the night in an interrogation room. Not that she would mind sharing a room with the big bad sheriff, but one with a bed would be preferable. Wait, did she really just think that? Obviously, it’d been too long since she had a meaningful relationship—hashtag sex.

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About Jacquie Biggar

Jacquie Biggar has a wonderful gift for writing hot and extremely likable military men!….Jacqui Nelson

From the time Jacquie was twelve years old, she knew she wanted to be a writer. That year she wrote a short story called “Count Daffodil” after spending countless hours searching for ideas. The story garnered Jacquie an A and was read aloud through the school’s loudspeaker system. Needless to say, after that she was hooked.

Jacquie grew up, got married, raised a family and left her writing urges to simmer in the background unattended.

She owned and operated a successful diner in her hometown for a number of wonderful years before deciding to live her dream of becoming an author.

Jacquie’s first book, Tidal Falls, a romantic suspense novel about second chances, released September of 2014.


FIND Jacquie Biggar at: http://jacqbiggar.com/

Facebook: http://Facebook.com/jacqbiggar

Twitter: http://Twitter.com/jacqbiggar

Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/jacquiebiggar


An Interview with Jacquie Biggar- Author of romantic suspense w/ attitude


I’m a pantser all the way. I’ve taken numerous courses on plotting because in theory it sounds easier. Build an outline, add elements of GMC (goal, motivation, and conflict) and you’re off to the races. For me, it comes off feeling forced. I lose my flow. So now I just let the words appear organically, sometimes that can be pages in a day, sometimes only a paragraph or two, but it works for me.


I’ve always had a love of reading. As I grew older it developed into a dream of seeing my name on the front cover of a book. That’s the biggest joy for me, hearing that people enjoy my writing.


Threw a party!! No seriously, I shared it all over social media. There’s such a euphoric feeling to accomplishing a goal you’ve set for yourself that I think the first reaction is to want to share the good news.


Black Beauty by Anna Sewell told first person from the horse’s perspective. One of the most heartbreakingly powerful novels I’ve ever read.


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by Linda K. Sienkiewicz

[I am deeply honored to feature Linda K. Sienkiewicz on Anasazi Dreams today. She is a most gifted writer. Once you dip into her rich prose, you will see well-rounded characters and a depth of language that is stimulating but also very accessible. I look forward to seeing more from this writer.]

Author Linda K. Sienkiewicz writes women’s fiction/contemporary romance. Her debut novel is titled In the Context of Love.

What makes us step back to examine the events and people that have shaped our lives? And what happens when what we discover leads to more questions? In the Context of Love, contemporary fiction by Linda K. Sienkiewicz, revolves around the journey of Angelica Schirrick as she reevaluates her life, and its direction.

Returning with her children from their first visit with her now imprisoned husband, she tries to figure out where it all went so wrong. Can she face the failures and secrets of her past and move forward? Can she find love and purpose again? Her future, which once held so much promise, crumbled like dust after the mysterious disappearance of her first love, and the shattering revelation that derailed her life, and divided her parents. Only when she finally learns to accept the violence of her beginning can she be open to life again, and maybe to a second chance at love.

Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of #1 NYTimes Bestseller, DEEP END OF THE OCEAN, says: “With humor and tenderness, but without blinking, Linda K. Sienkiewicz turns her eye on the predator-prey savannah of the young and still somehow hopeful.”

Bonnie Jo Campbell, author of Michigan Notable Book MOTHERS TELL YOUR DAUGHTERS, says “Sienkiewicz’s powerful and richly detailed debut novel is at once a love story, a cautionary tale, and an inspirational journey. It should be required reading for all wayward daughters, and their mothers, too.”

Eggcerpt from In the Context of Love:

I had convinced myself I could stomach seeing Gavin since social services told me it was in the children’s best interest to see their father. Despite his trespasses, I knew they missed him. They needed to see for themselves where he was, and that he was in one piece, but I certainly didn’t need or want any such assurances. The closer we got to the Madison Correctional Center, the sicker I felt. I knew it wasn’t going to be a picnic, but I’m not sure I can convey how awful it was.

Michelle, age ten, remained glued to my side, chewing her lip. Jude fidgeted like a typical eight-year-old. I’d brought games and books for them to share with Gavin, which, as it turned out, we had to leave in the car. They shuffled nervously into the visiting room, eyeballing the prisoners. Many of them looked like any man you might see working behind the counter at the post office, stocking soup cans at the supermarket, or delivering a package to your front door. Some flinched oddly; others had bristled jaws or tattoos on their necks. I studied their hands, wondering if they’d forced a woman to her knees, pulled a trigger, or simply written a batch of bad checks.

Gavin’s face looked etched with lines, and his clothes hung on his wire-hanger frame. The four of us sat at a metal table, falling into the same seating arrangement we used to take at the dinner table. He seemed unable to look us in the eyes. I was glad he’d ditched his typical smugness. There was no way he could clown his way out of this one—the damage he’d caused was as clear and tangible as the waxed floor and steel bars. In a weaker moment, I might have pitied him, but mostly my heart ached for our kids. I was fuming that that we had to be here at all.

“Hey. Thanks for coming,” he said quietly, sitting rigidly, shoulders clenched, kneading his hands in his lap.

I glared at him for a few seconds, then smiled. “Gee. Thanks for having us.”

In the Context of Love can be purchased in paperback or e-reader on Amazon http://amzn.to/1IiVWEs  or Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/1QFs340 


Here’s an interview with Angelica Schirrick, the narrator of In the Context of Love:

  1. What is your birthdate?
    I came screaming into this world on June 30, 1958, weighing a mere 6 pounds and 5 ounces.
  2. Where were you born?
    I was delivered by midwife Rose Rumble at my great aunt’s farm in Wisconsin.
  3. What’s your favorite type of pet?
    I grew up with a gorgeous fluffy collie named Cookie, so I’m awfully fond of dogs, but at this point in my life, I’d rather have something low maintenance. I’m thinking goldfish, canary, or a rock. Yes, a pet rock would be swell.
  4. Who is your significant other?
    The “Gypsy King” or Hungarian heartthrob Joe (Jozsef) Vadas will always be my first and only love.
  5. What is your secret desire?
    Believe it or not, I would love to surprise Joe with a trip to France to visit Jim Morrison’s gravesite in Pere Lachaise. He’s such a Doors fan. I’m not (please don’t tell) but a whole week in Paris with Joe would be heavenly.




About Linda K. Sienkiewicz

Author Linda K. Sienkiewicz attributes her creative drive to her artistic mother, who taught her to sew, and her father, who let her monkey around with the gadgets in his workshop. Her poetry, short stories and art have been published in more than fifty literary journals. She has a poetry chapbook award from Bottom Dog Press and an MFA from The University of Southern Maine.

Website http://lindaksienkiewicz.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/LindaKSienkwicz
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/lindaksienkwicz/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lindaksienkiewicz/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/linda.k.sienkiewicz


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